With all this social media and guidelines you have to fit just to be recognized, you can get lost and find yourself in a bad place. The world is a maze, and God wants to help you get through it! Take a moment and think about that, The same God who rules heaven and earth and all things living wants to help YOU. He doesn’t care if you’ve sinned countless times or how many mistakes you’ve made or if you have a million followers on TikTok because in the end all that matters is whether you lived your faith or you didn’t.
Who is God?
In faith, asking questions like this one is essential. In this day and age we tend to kick God to the curb and replace him with worldly objects such as our phone or popularity because we , humans, think social media and being popular fixes everything. Or your just struggling to find him in your life and how he’s helping you so you think he isn’t and ditch him. To answer the questions, and struggles we have surrounding our faith we must understand who he is and what his purpose is in our life. God is like water, he is needed to survive the harsh conditions of this world and helps purify our souls and hydrate us for our long journey of life that’s ahead of us. He is that leaning shoulder to cry on or lean on when you have nothing left. God’s your biggest supporter and follower in this world and will forever be that way. God’s main goal isn’t trying to give us so many hardships to make us feel weak and vulnerable or brainwashed to be his slaves. NO! His main goal is to guide us back to him and give us eternal peace in him. Hebrews 13:20-21 Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you complete in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. Matthew 26:31.
His Plan for US!
God didn’t just create you just to create you, he created you for a purpose. Some people know their purpose or calling while others don’t and that’s okay. Whether you know yours or not we all have one main purpose, which is to spread the word of Christ and serve others. This doesn’t require us to go into religious orders or go on missionary trips, all we need is the burning, warrior spirit of God to do good onto others. Whether it’s cheering up a classmate who is going through difficult times or helping your mother do chores if you see if she’s stressed. Now you may be thinking “those are so simple, no way that makes a difference!” It does, small things matter. You don’t have to do big, saintly things or go to mass every single day to make a difference spiritually. Yes, all those things are wonderful, but not necessary to be what God in visions you to be. “Do the little things with great love” -St. Therese of Lisieux. Start off small with your spiritual acts of kindness and eventually if your dedicated enough to your faith it will lead you to bigger impacts in your life and the life of others around you.
Finding God in your life
You maybe wondering where God is in your life or if he is even there and I assure you he is, you just have to look deeper. God can present himself in a huge way or a small way so it’s important to keep a watchful eye out for signs coming from him. Finding God is one of the hardest things to do but once you accomplish it your life becomes easier and finding him becomes easier too. Personally finding God is hard but it doesn’t mean its impossible, look at the people around you, If there isn’t anyone around you think of someone. What do you see in them and be honest with yourself. Love? Hate? Compassion? Faithful? Vengeance? etc. Now think about all the good they’ve done to you…Cheered you up when you were sad? Helped you with homework? Give you helpful advice? etc. Pick a certain moment that meant the most to you and look deeply into that moment. How did you feel before and after? Did it make you closer to them? Why does it mean so much to you? How did it make you into the person you are today? You just found God in your life or at least a glimpse. He works through others to send you a message or a sign he feels is necessary. He is in everything good you’ve done and all the good others have done. That’s not the only way he communicates with you in many ways such as through a video you see, a bible verse or something you heard someone say to you or another person. We always have to be ready because you never know when he may be trying to speak to you.
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