To better understand our faith we must know who our messiah is, Jesus. Jesus is half human half God. This means he still has the difficulties we have as humans expect sin. He dealt with grief like sadness, anger and grief and battle against temptation from the devil. He is also God, he has the power of God to drive out demons and do miracles, like rising the dead. Although he is God it doesn’t mean we can’t relate ourselves too him. His main purpose was to do that
Jesus’ Purpose
He didn’t come down from heaven to condemn the sinners or have us be his slaves. He come down from heaven to bring up the lonely, poor and sinners. We are all sinners no matter how much you want to deny it, you are. In Jesus’ eyes this isn’t a bad thing as much as it is a good thing for the greater good. This simply means our mistakes help us be better humans in body and in faith. Jesus came to take the burden of our mistakes off our shoulders and to prove to us that we are worth much more than we know of. He died for you for that exact reason, he loved you so much without even knowing you to die on a cross, naked and bleeding everywhere just FOR YOU! That is how much you are worth.
Jesus’ Early Life
Our mother in spirit Mary ever virgin gave birth to our savior Christmas day. Jesus faced many struggles including poverty and King Herod’s threats to kill him. His father Joseph was a carpenter and he made most of the belongs that they had including his bed. He was deeply enriched in prayer and faith during his childhood and celebrated Jewish Holidays like the Sabbath and The Passover. When Jesus was 12yds. old he fled from his parents side to preach in a temple and was later found. Mary exclaimed "My child, why have you treated us like this? It is now more than three days that your father and I have searched for you sorrowing. Whatever possessed you to desert us? Jesus upon hearing this replied "Why is it that you have so long sought me? Would you not expect to find me in my Father's house since the time has come when I should be about my Father's business?". This baffled the elders he was preaching to and his parents, he left with his parents soon after. Not much is documented of Jesus’ childhood years.
Jesus’ Adulthood
When he was about 30 he was baptized by John the Baptist a prophet of God. This signaled Jesus saying “Yes” to God to do his wishing in making a missionary and the start of his missionary. Through the years he ordained 12 apostles to occupy him in his teachings, picking each on for a certain reason. Some of the reasons were to prove that sinners could have second chances like Matthew a tax collector that sometimes took more than he should for himself. He began to preach his word and did several miracles that resulted in his death. He gathered big crowds and usually taught in Parables for the people to understand him better. The roman officials were scared he was gaining to much power and would over throw him so he hired Judas (used to be apostle) to organized the captured of Jesus. Jesus performed in a upper room his last meal labeled the Last Supper. He demonstrated the true powers of God and said his most holy words “Take and eat this is my body given up for you take and drink this is my blood given up for you.” He then was betrayed, willing took his Passion and suffered on the Cross and died. When I mean took his Passion it means he didn’t fight for his freedom of doing nothing wrong but he just let it happen without complaining just so we could have enteral life with him. He later on after his glorious resurrection, handed the keys to the church to peter declaring him our first pope to spread the faith. He ascended into heaven and watches over us every single day. He never really left us because on the Pentecost he sent us the Holy spirit so that we many be worthy of the promises of Christ and have help with our spiritual journey.
God wants the best for us and if your having a hard time finding God or talking to Him, turn to Jesus. God is a sperate person from Jesus fyi. If you are having a hard time reaching God turn to Jesus for guidance. Jesus is our tour guide through a maze of life. Though if you can’t find or reach Jesus turn to Mary or any of the saints and they will most certainly help you, even if it isn’t noticeable at first.